Actually there are many brushing techniques which are used by different persons according to their oral and tooth conditions.
Bass Method:
It is the most accepted method for the removal of plaque present underneath the gingival margin. It is recommended for the patients with or without periodontal involvement. The brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees into the gingival sulcus and vibratory strokes are given by which the gingival sulcus cleans and it stimulates the gingival.
Fones Brushing Technique:
It is also called circular motion method, it is the simplest brushing technique used in children because it is very easy to learn.
Stillman’s Technique:
It is very similar to the bass method in which the bristles are placed at 45 degrees in relation to the tooth. It is used for cleaning areas with progressing gingival recession and root exposure conditions.
Charter’s Method:
It is used after flap surgery, when the intradental gingival does not fill the embrasure space and FPD, orthodontic appliances and periodontal surgery. In this method the brush is hold at an angle of 45 degrees towards the side of the teeth and not the gum line.
Scrub Method:4
It is most commonly used, it is not recommended because it is very abrasive to the tooth which causes gingival recession and abrasion. This technique involves rigorous horizontal and vertical motion on every surface of the teeth.
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