Ten Principles for Dental Health

Follow these Ten Principles, Get Your Teeths Solid & Healthy

Dental Health

  • Brush properly twice every day (in the morning and before going to sleep at night). The brush should be replaced with a new one every two months.
  • Do not brush for more than two or three minutes. Only soft or ultra soft brush should be used.
  • Rinse the mouth thoroughly with water every time after eating. The mouth should be kept clean without food particles.
  • Pin and toothpick should not be used to remove food stuck between teeth. Only dental floss or intra-oral brushes should be used.
  • Gargle the mouth frequently with hot water mixed with crystal salt and turmeric. This protects the gums and teeth from infection.
  • A general check-up should be done with a dentist once every six months.
  • Once every six months, the plaque and calculus on the tooth should be removed by scaling process.
  • When the problem caused to the teeth is minor, the appropriate treatment should be done as per the advice of the dentist.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fiber.
  • Things like tobacco, gutka, and pan parag which are harmful to oral health should be kept away. There is a risk of oral cancer due to these.

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