Author name: admin


MAIN BASIC NEEDS: 1. Friendliness: Basic courtesy and politeness, being warm and caring should be there while dealing with the patient 2. Empathy The patient needs to know that the dentist appreciates their wants and Circumstances and provides personal attention. 3. Efficiency and punctuality .The patient wants to feel they are respected during and after the


Does Drinking More Water Protects Your Teeth?

Yes….! Drinking more water protects your teeth and keeps our teeth Healthy. Drinking water that contains fluorine plays a major role in making the teeth stronger by forming fluorapatite crystals, which are resistant to bacterial acids. Therefore there will be a prevention of forming cavities that harbor bacterial microorganisms. Frequent intake of water makes the

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The Impact of 3D Printing on Dentistry: A Look at V Dental Hospital

Introduction: At V Dental Hospital, we’re using the latest technology called 3D printing to make customized dental appliances. This means we can provide better care tailored to your needs. Come experience the difference with us! Learn how 3D printing is revolutionizing dental treatments: 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, brings digital designs to life by creating

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How to Select the Perfect Crown: DMLS or Zirconium

How to Select the Perfect Crown: DMLS or Zirconium

When it comes to dental crowns, patients have several options to choose from, including DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) and Zirconium crowns. Both types have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it important for patients to understand the differences between them before deciding. In this blog, we will compare DMLS and Zirconium crowns

How to Select the Perfect Crown: DMLS or Zirconium Read More »

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