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Get top-notch treatment and care from the best dentists in Vizag

About V Detal

“V Dental in Vizag is a top-notch dental hospital. We have the best infrastructure and dentists who are leaders in the field. Our goal is to provide world-class dental care while upholding the highest ethical standards. We treat all dental problems with care and expertise. Our team includes some of the best dentists in Vizag, ensuring you receive the best possible treatment.”

First communication with our team to enjoying your new smile with family and friends, we will make you feel like part of our family. Our primary responsibilities are to:

  • One-stop solution for all dental needs.
  • Offers a wide range of dental services.
  • Experienced implantologists for top-notch implants.
  • Free consultations available.
  • Dental financing with easy EMI at 0% interest.
  • Focuses on achieving a beautiful, healthy smile with proper tooth function.
  • Patient-centric care with advanced equipment and skilled dentists.
  • Tailored treatment plans based on individual needs.
  • Enjoy comfort and convenience at V Dental Hospital in Akkayyapalem, Visakhapatnam, featuring some of the best dentists and dental doctors in Vizag.
Best Dental Doctors in Vizag

Dr Vijay Krishna (BDS, MDS (Ortho)

Best Dental Doctors in Vizag

Dr GuptaKandukuri (BDS, MDS (Perio)

Best Dentist in Vizag

Ms. Vidya(Front Office)

Best Dentist in Vizag

Mrs. Revathi (Operation Wing)

You have to know before start everything

  A cavity occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, combines with sugars and starches, producing acids that attack tooth enamel. This can lead to tooth loss if untreated. Common causes include improper oral hygiene, like ineffective brushing and allowing food to remain on teeth overnight.

  Proper filling and maintenance are essential to prevent cavities. Visit V Dental Hospital in Akkayyapalem, Visakhapatnam, for teeth cavity treatment in Vizag and ensure your smile stays healthy.

Commonly known as halitosis in dental terms, bad breath can greatly impact your confidence in talking, laughing, and general mouth movements. It’s often associated with dry mouth and gum problems, affecting approximately 25% of the Indian population.

    Maintaining proper oral hygiene through regular brushing, tongue scraping, and flossing can help alleviate bad breath issues. However, persistent or prolonged halitosis warrants a dental consultation. Professional cleaning, including scaling and root planning, along with ongoing maintenance, can effectively address the problem.

For the best treatment of halitosis and other dental concerns, consult the best dentists and dental doctors in Vizag at V Dental Hospital. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care to ensure your oral health and confidence are restored.

 Gum problems, often associated with reddish and swollen gums, can lead to soreness and, if left untreated, may result in bone loss and tooth loss in the long term. Early identification and management are key to better outcomes.

Periodontics is the specialized field for treating gum diseases. Periodontal pockets can form, accumulating bacteria and causing bad breath. Early symptoms include bad breath and bleeding gums.

Early detection, along with scaling and root planning, can rectify the issue. In advanced cases, flap surgery may be recommended. For the best treatment of gum diseases and other dental issues, consult the best dentists and dental doctors in Vizag at V Dental Hospital. Our expert team provides personalized care to ensure your oral health is restored.

 Irregular teeth alignment or forwardly placed front teeth often occur between the ages of 14 and 20, causing psychological distress, lack of confidence, and an unattractive smile.

 Orthodontic treatments are available to correct teeth alignment issues, along with teeth whitening procedures such as polishing, bleaching, and dental laminates or veneers. For the best orthodontic and dental care in Vizag, consult the top dental doctors at V Dental Hospital. Our expert team offers personalized treatments to ensure a confident and beautiful smile.

If gum and teeth problems are left untreated, they can lead to tooth extractions, resulting in missing teeth and loss of full tooth function. There are two main ways to replace missing teeth:

1. Fixed partial dentures: These are like fixed teeth attached to adjacent strong teeth. The artificial teeth are made to look and function like natural teeth, using materials like ceramic or zirconium.

2. Dental implants: These are surgical components that mimic natural teeth and are fixed in the missing teeth area. They provide both aesthetic and functional benefits. For complete tooth loss, procedures like “all on 4” or “all on” techniques can restore full tooth functionality.

For the best dental care and tooth replacement options in Vizag, consult the top dental doctors at V Dental Hospital. Our expert team offers personalized treatments for a restored smile and full tooth function.

Cancer of the mouth is a serious and potentially fatal disease that affects millions of people worldwide. However, it’s often curable if detected and treated early. Prevention is crucial, and common causes include tobacco, alcohol, and pan chewing.

Symptoms include persistent sores, lumps, and rough areas in the mouth, along with changes in biting modes and movements of the tongue and jaw. Regular visits to the dentist aid in early detection.

Treatment options vary based on the cancer center you choose for your care. For the best dental care and early detection of oral cancer in Vizag, consult the top dental dentists at V Dental Hospital. Our expert team provides personalized care and support to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Best Dental Doctors in Vizag
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